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God is a Farmer - Sharing Food


Offerings and sacrifices are basically sharing food and harvest with God as a special meal together.

                   Tithing is the tenth given to God that represents the whole.

                   First fruits is the first part that releases all of the rest of the harvest

       Sometimes the tenth was eaten with God. God’s portion was consumed, the people actually ate the meal. God is not looking for food, He is looking for honor.          

First fruits is holy  - Romans  11:16  For if the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches.  NKJV

A big part of covenant living is eating together, God the Farmer shares food.

                   Jesus always shared and provided food.

  • 1st miracle – creating wine from water at a wedding John 2:1-11
  • Feeding of the 5 000 - In John 6:1-14 Jesus wanted the disciples to feed a large crowd. They said it would be impossible. But, a boy with them had five small loaves of bread and two small fish. Jesus takes this gift, thanks God for it, and uses it to feed over 5,000 people, with leftovers to spare!
  • Jesus ate fish with his disciples in his resurrected body Luke 24:37-49

                   The last act of making Covenant is eating together.

  • Bread and wine – communion meal
  • Passover meal has bread and wine communion meal included in the seder

Genesis 8:22 While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease." ESV

God is a Farmer!

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